Ok, I was just innocently googling The Gruesomes from The Flintstones. Remember?
Dont ask.
Anyhoo, it started this whole tangential fucking thing involving cartoons/muppets/people that look alike. Who the hell is brill enough to make this shit their job? It all started with these two:
Then I found this place that does them FULL TIME and its like, Holy Shit, Get Out of my Brain!!!!
Remember The Dark Crystal? I was apeshit for that movie as a kid. I used to wander around the house all hunched over in my Dad's bathrobe and be all, "Hmmmmmmmmm, Skeksis! Gelflings!"
My contribution to the Dark Crystal theme is this:
Paula Abdul TOTALLY looks like a Gelfling.
And then it just snowballed into stuff like, WTF???:
and then just ended with not so scary stuff like:
And last but not least, one for the hardcore nerds to get nerdy with:
WHOA! (eh, nerds? pretty good!)