Monday, October 20, 2008

Politics - Schmolitics

Can everyone PLEEEEEESE stop taking about Sarah Palin? I am going to barf so hard my body turns inside out if i see one more word wasted on this idiot/embarrasment. If the American people are so stupid that they vote McCain/Palin in the next election (even after the SNL bullshit cameo), they deserve what they get.
Whats the popular saying? - "give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves". YES. Enough already. I am so contemptuous of a country that elected Bush TWICE, that I can barely glance at the news these days without shuddering.
Oh and BTW, what the hell is Dion and the Liberal government doing with the whole resignation thing? Way to gain my confidence that you know what they hell your party is doing, morons. No wonder the conservs kicked your sorry asses this time around. How pathetic. Do they actually expect anyone with half a brain to give a shit about politics if they can't even decide on a leader for their own party and keep them there for more than a few months? And how about a PM with some fucking charisma for a change? All we've got are these bible thumping, middle aged white guys with no balls and no social skills to choose from. No wonder young voter turn out is at an all time low.

PS have you seen Madonna lately? She looks like shit.

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